Grow Monroe Program

Enjoy Monroe County Agriculture
The Grow Monroe program promotes the benefits of buying local and highlights the wide variety of fresh produce and other agricultural products that can be found right here in Monroe County.

Buying local benefits everyone in Monroe County at several levels

Individuals who choose to buy local produce purchase fresh-from-the-field products, grown by people they can get to know and trust.
Our environment is protected because products do not need to be shipped hundreds or even thousands of miles, reducing drastically the products’ carbon footprint.
Our economy is strengthened for every resident of Monroe County. Our money stays in our county—that’s good for all of us.
All of this is accomplished while supporting Monroe County farmers who offer highly desirable local products. Each purchase allows them to grow their businesses and preserve the farming heritage so many of us cherish.

A Smart Choice for Your Family, the Environment and Our Economy
When you go green by purchasing locally grown produce, you’re voting with your dollars in support of Monroe County agriculture. Discover our year-round bounty and the surprising variety of local agricultural products.
Smart “Buy-Local” choices
- Provide tasty and nutritious fresh fruits and vegetables
- Reduce ecological costs of shipping from distant growers
- Strengthen Monroe County’s economy

Local Agriculture Grows Our Economy
Sales of Monroe County farm products generate nearly $120 million for our economy each year. Agriculture supports thousands of area jobs—many of them on farms as well as related occupations, from food processing to veterinary services. In so many ways, agriculture is an investment with big returns for Monroe County.
Monroe County supports and values agriculture
- Our county is home to successful national food brands
- Our farms offer a wide range of quality products
- Our county supports a wide variety of ag-relatedemployment opportunities

The Future of Farmland

Monroe County is home to more than 600 farms and over 100,000 acres of farmland. More than a quarter of the land is dedicated to agriculture. Farms are a vital part of our economy and quality of life. And yet, Monroe County loses 700 acres of farmland each year to development. Once developed, farmland is lost forever. Your support can have meaningful impact on farmland preservation.
How the Agriculture and Life Sciences Institute at Monroe Community College Helps Preserve Farmland

We assist farmers, landowners and municipalities to protect and promote farmland by:
- Interpreting existing land-use policies
- Guiding comprehensive planning processes
- Consulting on drafting land-use ordinances
- Assisting with farmland protection plans
Learn a Growing Profession
Careers in Agriculture
The study of today’s agriculture involves a lot more than farming. It includes management, engineering, biology, economics, renewable energy, and food science, to name just a few areas. The Agriculture and Life Sciences Institute at Monroe Community College is leading the way to a more sustainable future.
Multiple resources for agricultural education:
- Agricultural workforce training
- Pathways to an agriculture degree at Cornell University
- Advocacy and advancement of local agriculture